Except which day of the month it is, because it's forever the 31st. |
The Google Calender app from stock Jelly Bean, which will be familiar to anyone who owns a recent Nexus device or has ever tried Cyanogenmod 10, has today been released as a stand-alone application on the
Play Store for Android devices running 4.0.3 and up. That in and of itself is not particularly noteworthy, as the Jelly Bean calendar has
been on the Play Store for a while - what sets today's release apart is it being an official Google app, with all the support and updates that entails. A curious move, and one we certainly hope continues with other vanilla Android apps, as many won't have tried them. We're sure plenty of users will appreciate an alternative to, say, Samsung's S Planner.
Unfortunately for this editor, at least, Google's shiny new calendar commits the cardinal sin of having a static date (The 31st) perpetually on the icon, a puzzling choice considering the version included on devices to date has shied away from that particular piece of tacky design. Did this one slip past Matias Duarte?
Regardless, if you're keen for more megabytes of Google-endorsed goodness (And have a device with the requisite Android version), hit up the
Play Store now.
I was so happy to see this as I don't like S Planner. Then I noticed the static date. Just typical. This is just textbook android lack of attention to detail. Superb in many areas but can't get the little things correct. *sigh*
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure this is a case of a lack of attention so much as a bad choice - this is the same icon as used in Google's web interface for Calendar. unified branding makes sense, but that static date really bothers me. To my knowledge, only LG and Motorola have made dynamic calendar icons, and only on certain ICS devices. A shame.