Just a quick heads-up that the Humble Bundle has released their next pack of titles (while we're talking about apps we've not forgotten last weeks apps of the week - they're coming later today).
Last time around they gave us a selection of highly regarded games already available for Android, this time they're bringing us five games that haven't previously seen the light of day in Android devices. I just did a quick Google search for all these games and they've been very warmly received in other platforms, so once again this Humble Bundle looks the business and well worth your dollar.
If you're not already familiar the Humble Bundle, it's like this:
- You pay what you want/can afford for the apps.
- It's worth pointing out that you're actually getting licenses for the games on Windows, Mac and Linux too! Naturally that's dependant on their availability for those platforms, but it's hard to argue with getting even better value out of a proposition that's already great value.
- If you pay higher than the average price you get the fifth title thrown in for free
- Once you've chosen your payment amount you select how much goes to the Humble Bundle, how much goes to the chosen charity, and how much is ceded to the developers of the titles
So, great apps and a great cause, what's not to love?!
Show your support, and if you can afford not to be cheap then don't be!
The Humble Bundle is available from here, or point your QR reader at the barcode below.